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FAQ For New Dancers

How To Make A Payment

For your convenience, credit card payments can be made online via our member portal from the comfort of your home.  Please log on each month to make a payment.  We do not automatically charge your card.  Check or cash payments can be made at the studio.  Payments are due the first day of the month.  Late fees are applied after the 15th of the month.  We send an email out on approximately the 10th of each month as a reminder that tuition is due before the late fee is applied after the 15th.


Just Dancin policies can be viewed by logging into your account on our member portal.

Recital Shows

The date of our annual recital is announced at the beginning of the year and can be viewed on our important dates page.  Each dance class in our studio is assigned to a recital show - Show 1 or 2.   On recital day, Show 1 is at 11am, Show 2 is at 3:30pm. In April you will receive a detailed email as well as a mailing sent home with more information regarding the Recital. Tickets go on sale online in mid-May.  

Recital Costumes

We work hard to find amazing costumes for our annual recital.  Each class will have a unique costume for the show.  Costume fees are due November 1st and the costumes arrive in the spring.  Costumes companies do not allow costumes to be refunded and therefore our costume fees are also non-refundable.

Holiday and Weather Related Closings

A list of holiday closings for the year is distributed via email and in class during the month of September.  Holiday closings can also be found on our important dates page.  

For weather related closings - such as snow closings - we follow the Edison township school district in most instances.  Please call the studio at 732-444-444.

Contacting the Office

Our office is open Monday-Friday from 4:30pm-9:00pm during the regular dance year and Tuesday-Thursday 4:30pm-9:00pm in the summer.  Feel free to come in or call during our office hours.  You may also email us at

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